The tragic event that transpired in the elementary school in
Newtown Connecticut is saddening and disturbing. My heart sank with the news,
myself having 2 equally young buys. I
cannot fathom being in that horrible situation, or being a parent of the young
victims. I could not even tackle the news without dry eyes.
My boys' teachers hug each children as they went into the classroom the morning after. In the afternoon on the way home, they both wanted to talk about "the bad guy" in the car. Sashimi said, "if a bad guy goes to my school, I will throw garlic naan on his face so he will get messy." Innocence.
In the wake of this tragedy, I hug my boys tighter, knowing
that somewhere in Connecticut there are parents who have lost a child to
embrace. If I have to deal with my two
boys squealing and bickering every day, I will act with more patience and
gentleness. For there is nothing more
precious in this world than the children we gave life to and live for.
haha garlic naan.