
Family Photo Wall

This was one wall of our kitchen in the old house. It was the hub of the kitchen. However it was a mix of school papers, homework and schedules, plus rice cooker, breadbox, what not. Even the sideboard didn't match the cupboards.

We switched things around.  Bought a pantry cabinet and office desk. But it messed up the existing photo wall. It was like that for a while. The next thing, we took everything down, repainted the house, and sold it.
Now what to do with the frames?  I thought this would be the last on my list since moving into our new home. Besides the mere thought of drilling holes - not one but a lot - on our clean bare walls gives me shivers.  But what i also thought would take me long, took me less than half hour to complete.  No painters tape needed to align. No measuring required.  I only made a mock light switch, which is on the wall I'd be putting this up on. I mapped out the frames on the floor.

With a hammer and a nail. Screw and a driver. And some precision. Tada!

The pictures are yet to be updated. Notice the inverted picture/art.  Meanwhile I intentionally left a space for some wall stickers. It was not transparent as I wanted, but I liked what it says.
A nice reminder, that the kids are only little for so long... Play with them!

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