
Boys Haircut

Last weekend, I took on the daunting mission that is to cut my boys hair. I have had this on my GOALS for a long time - how much we shall save if my 3 boys let me cut their hair. Mr. Hotpot goes for haircut every 3 weeks. The money I can use for shopping at H&M, lol.

This haircut cape (my sister got me from Taiwan’s DAISO) has been sitting in my closet for a year now. Okay, maybe 2.

So finally, on my recent trip to Winners, I bought this 24-piece grooming kit.  Note to self that if I fail at this, I will lose only C$20, but I will not regret not ever trying.  For my very first attempt with Shabu, I used the No. 6 attachment -  3/4", not too short. So in case I go wrong, we can still make a run to the salon for a fix.

And... we didn’t really have to =]


  1. hi there. I came across your blog from Annie's :) love reading your post. I used to stay in TO (Mississauga). My in laws are still there right now :) Reading your posts brings back memories of my stay there. My hubby and I used to frequent Winners a lot. Is it still at Dixie?

  2. Hey, not bad for the first attempt, look good!

    Now you can spent more @ H&M. :)

  3. Hi, mommy to chumsy. Thanks for dropping by. Winners is everywhere now. Lots of nice things. Do you come to TO a lot?

    Annie Q, bwahahaha. Need to cut the other 2 boys. Then i can go shopping. Mr. Hotpot is my next guinea pig.

  4. cool! how many haircuts did you do in 2011? =)

  5. Hi, Sunflowii. I did 2. One for each boy. They don't need haircuts very often but I'll have the next in spring. Cross my fingers.
