
Music Monday

Sushi’s school celebrated Music Monday yesterday. His class rendered 2 song numbers – The Cat Came Back and We Can Make A Difference. He told us he had volunteered for the solo part. He had me at solo. I could have called-in-sick for what is to me this big day, but since we were short-staffed in the office and I’m a nerd like that, I still went to work. If the stage mom has to move mountain - or move deadline - just to make it to the program, thy will be done. At the strike of the clock, I dropped everything and zoomed to school. It felt like a quick costume change - from officeworker to mom. It was pretty exhausting, outrageous… and overkill… the school was a stone-throw from home. And I have to drive all the way back to work after his number???

I did. But it was worth it. He is worth it. I knew that instance he saw me come into the venue. The look that said “Mommy made it!” I knew right away I have done what is right, what felt right.

I don’t have much expectations from Sushi when it comes to school, but I always encourage him to aim for perfection (not mediocrity) in whatever he does, to be the best (not complacent) in whatever he becomes, to be the shining star (not just a star like the million others), and be someone (not a nobody). I drill this in his head.

On Music Monday, he is a star. My shining star.

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