The Kangaroo Keeper is the bag within my bag. It organizes the hundred things inside it, including the essential water bottle I take with me all the time. And that makes my everyday purse weigh about 6lb. tsk tsk tsk. The set comes with a large & small keeper, like a joey inside a mama roo, both are reversible to make more room. Can also be used separately or together.
I prefer the tan colour over black, as black would turn your purse into a black cave. Switching bags is now hassle-free. I just plop this Kangaroo from bag to bag. Not that I change bags too often.
These are my bric-a-brac:
(1) Water bottle (2) 2 foldable shopping bags, I don't like retail plastic bags (3) coin purse (4) foldable fan that doubles as kids toy (5) cellphone (6) Advil for hubby (7) Polysporin for kids (8) Salonpas for headache (9) Gloss (10) pen (11) emergency kit (12) kids colouring book (13) granny-ish wallet (14) notebook (15) saline nose spray when it's too dry (16) work badge (17) crayons for kids (18) extra battery for my camera (19) hand lotion (20) hand sanitizer (21) house/office/mailbox keys (22) store coupons
Without the organizer, it would be a pain to comb through my 22 things, sometimes more, just to look for one.
As Seen on TV. Order your Kangaroo Keeper now =]
cool keeper and very organized bag! i have a similar keeper - but my bag is still not as organized :( hahaha. i love the sack concept in the middle of your keeper. 6lb bag??? i must weigh my bag sometime too. dom keeps telling me it's too heavy!