
Everything I Know I Learned From Him

Last night Sushi was reading his Children’s A-Z Encyclopedia with me. He was cherry-picking the subjects he wants to read, skipping pages of science-related topics (earth, biology, physics) in favour of the more boring world history. Think Holy Roman Empire, Native Americans, New World, Normans, Pirates, Spain & Portugal, Stone Age,… *zzz zzz zzz*

I recall when I was same age, I could memorize the 13 countries (and capital) of South America. In alphabetical order. Off the top of my head - Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guyana, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, Venezuela. I would make a table of these countries, and their capital, population and land area… with a typewriter (note: 1980s). My brother made me.

He had taught me a lot of things at a very young age. He was the teacher, my sisters and I were his students guinea pigs.  He's a teacher, to this day.  He wrote his own SRA questionnaires and answer keys on reading, language, science, math, Chinese history,... anything. Did I say Spanish too? Although he made it fun, it didn’t feel like school/home work at all, and we knew there was going to be a Ladybird Classic book or Barbie doll at the end of each course. And field trips. Until we were older he still enjoyed taking us to museums and zoos. He even had taken me to Taiwan, Japan, China and USA where every trip was also a learning experience in history and culture. He inculcated in me the fervour for learning and left a permanent trace of influence on me.

In China and Japan

I wish he can impart the same to my kids. But then again, isnt’ that supposed to be my role =] So I take great pleasure in the opportunity for Sushi to bond with his Aku on our trips.

Taipei Zoo; Watching National Geographic, Manila; Page One in Taipei 101; Peking Garden; and Disney Hollywood Hotel in Hong Kong

If Sushi asks me something I have no answer to, I'd tell him, I'm sure Aku knows the answer to it. And then, I would "call my lifeline."

Happy Birthday, Ahia!  This post is long overdue.

1 comment:

  1. two thumbs up! =) a really nice post about very nice people. glad i know all of them. =)
