
School Bags

This is my niece's schoolbag. First time I saw such bag. It's a far cry but I thought of the ZÜCA. So I took a remembrance photo. We didn't have this kind of bag in my time. But we did bring the same amount of books to/from school and up/down our classrooms. Still now?? This is what we had in our time.

Though I never used one. I used my shoulders. Tsk tsk tsk. I bet this industrial looking stroller is passé.

Backpack is more common here. I am even surprised Sushi can go to school without a pencil case. Just his lunchbag and a Home Connection zipbag containing their Agenda (aka Assignment Notebook). And Occasionally, a library book and/or homework folder.

The agenda is much like a daily planner. The right side is the communication page between teachers and parents.

What a difference eh! That made my aunt quipped, is this going to make the heavy laden kids any smarter than the kids with just the assignment notebook? LOL.

1 comment:

  1. very cool school bag! Now my boys also carry a trolley bags to school, lucky their classroom is on the ground floor, otherwise will be hard for them to carry the bag up.
