
Traffic Thoughts Today

Marathon at crawling speed.
The skunk smell isn't helping.
Should I turn around go back home?
I will be unfashionably late to work. I was.
Why did Miss T keep giving me memo for lateness at KFC?
That doesn't happen here.
Do not skid.
No sudden break.
Keep the distance.
No wide turns.
Remember spinning 360 degrees last winter?
My bangs tickling my eyelashes is distracting
When my pure eyes have to be on the road.
And they think snow is fun.
They didn't see slushy road and skidding cars in snowy Serendipity.
And Kate Beckinsale is not wearing enough layers.

Windchill of negative teens - woah!
Radio says to estimate double/triple the commute time.
I can do 3 blogs right there. I did in my head.
"Dear Lord. Keep us safe."
Borrowing Sushi's prayer every night.

1 comment:

  1. enrol ka sa Skid Control School. it's in Oakville. ok siya. that's how i got my confidence to drive in winter when i never did before. (plus highway driving na rin coz I didn't do that back then.) no discount on insurance though but at least you know how to get out of a skid.
